EarthStarBox Energy Project
EarthStarBox collects the grounding energy of Earth and the abundant energy of all the Universe in a small place of calm and safety that you make yourself. I invite you to create your own EarthStarBox for a tangible place to focus on what is good in your world, and to use as a place of focus when things could be better. Don't forget to send me a note about your experience and a photo when you're done; I'll post it here in the gallery!
Here's how to make your EarthStarBox:
- Use any kind of box - cardboard, wooden, or metal (an oatmeal box, a cigar box, and an Altoids-type box are three ideas). Use a box with or without a lid; you might want to cut* doors or a viewing window (*young people, please get help with cutting). Think about the size and where you might want your EarthStarBox to 'live'. Will you keep it on your dresser-top, a windowsill, your nightstand?
- Paint or collage the outside of your box to represent what you like best about Earth and the Sky. For instance, I love Yosemite National Park here in California; I especially love the evergreens, granite boulders, and blue jays; so I choose to include those things on my EarthStarBox, plus my starry constellation, Sagittarius, representing sky energy. What things do you like best about Earth? about the Sky?
- Inside the box, paint or collage as you like, using pictures or other small objects to represent things you love and want to keep safe and whole. Include a representation of yourself, of course, using a photo, drawing, or object that represents you. Add representations of things that makes you feel safest and happiest: a shell from your favorite vacation, photos of people or pets, a book, a stuffed critter, etc. For instance, I choose to include a small stuffed horse to represent me; a photo of my kitty, one of my son, one of my dad who was my best friend; a tiny watercolor set representing art, a pitch pipe for music, and flower pictures for my garden. What special things will you include in your box?
Here's a relaxation exercise to use with your EarthStarBox:
- Stand straight and relaxed, with your knees, elbows, eyes, tongue 'soft' (release the tension).
- Breathe in slowly, lift your arms, close your eyes if you like, link your thumbs over your head. As you breathe in, imagine the air coming from 'way down in the center of Earth, up through your feet, through you, and up, up and out into the sky, the stars, and beyond.
- Keep breathing and feel the energy moving from the stars above, down through you, through your feet, back down into Earth.
- Feel the connection between Earth energy, your energy, and Star energy. Feel how the energy is the same, and how the energy flows with each breath, when you are thinking about it and when you are not thinking about it.
- Think of your EarthStarBox as a container and a place of focus for this energy. Think of the flow of energy as bathing the images and objects on and in your EarthStarBox. Think of the images, objects, and the things they represent as healthy, whole, and safe.
- You can use your EarthStarBox as a place of energy focus if you are feeling that you are not well-connected with your energy. If you are sad, or scared, or worried, you can plant your feet and breathe energy from down in Earth's center, up through your feet, up through you, out through your arms into the Sky, and then breathe it down again into Earth. Think about the energy bathing, comforting, protecting the images and objects in your EarthStarBox. Do this a few times, slowly and thoughtfully, and see if you can feel your energy returning, and your sad, scared, or worried feelings soften.